People Personality
Each of us has certain characteristics, qualities, thoughts, feelings and behaviors that make us unique and distinguish us from other people. In this section you will be able to find a useful vocabulary related to people personality. Improve your vocabulary and use these words in your everyday conversations.
Personnalité / Personality
sportif | athletic | sympathique | nice |
courageux | brave | lâche | cowardly |
amical | friendly | froid | unfriendly |
drôle | funny | sérieux | serious |
travailleur | hard-working | paresseux | lazy |
intéressant | interesting | ennuyeux | boring |
gentil | kind | méchant | mean |
sans préjugés | open-minded | snob | snobbish |
ouvert | outgoing | timide | shy |
patient | patient | impatient | impatient |
patriotique | patriotic | stupide | stupid |
intelligent | smart | naïf | naive |
raffiné | sophisticated | faible | weak |
fort | strong | taquin | playful |
studieux | studious |
Videos of French vocabulary: Personality
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