French, also known as the language of love, descends from Latin and belongs to the Romance language family. French is also considered as one of the most impressive languages and is admired by its beauty and aestheticism, this combined with its beautiful and peculiar pronunciation, make French a perfect language to seduce and impress.
Here some lovely phrases that you can use in your every day conversation.
Langue Amour / Love Language
Je t'aime ( aussi ) | I love you (too) |
Je t'adore | I adore you |
Veux-tu m'épouser ? | Will you marry me? |
sortir avec | to date |
se fiancer à , (or avec) | to get engaged |
se marier avec | to get married |
les fiançailles | engagement |
le mariage | marriage |
les noces , le mariage | wedding |
l' anniversaire de mariage | wedding anniversary |
la lune de miel | honeymoon |
la Saint-Valentin | St. Valentine's Day |
un cadeau | present |
des fleurs | flowers |
des bonbons | candy |
des vêtements | clothes |
le parfum | perfume |
des bijoux | jewelry |
une bague de fiançailles | engagement ring |
une alliance | wedding ring |
Videos of French vocabulary: Love Language
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