French Vocabulary Test

  1. Choose the Correct Answer:
    Chaque fois que tu vas _____ Charlotte tu la trouves plus jolie.


  2. Choose the Correct Answer:
    Après un repas dans un restaurant, il faut payer ______.

    la note
    le billet

  3. Choose the Correct Answer:
    Je vais ______ une Toyota l’année prochaine si j’ai assez d’argent.


  4. Choose the Correct Answer:
    Si vous cherchez les toilettes, Madame, elles se trouvent au premier étage.
    In America, the "premier étage" is commonly referred to as the ________.

    ground floor
    first floor
    second floor

  5. Choose the Correct Answer:
    Je vous reconnais bien, Madame; vous venez ______ à Paris?


  6. Choose the Correct Answer:
    Véronique, ce ______ désire voir quelque chose dans les imperméables pour femmes, de haute qualité.


  7. Choose the Correct Answer:
    L’informatique est moins connue en France qu’aux Etats-Unis, et tout le monde n’a pas l’ordinateur ______ lui.


  8. Choose the Correct Answer:
    Monique et Daniel sont toujours les derniers à __________ mes soirées.


  9. Choose the Correct Answer:
    Mes cousins ______ un chalet de ski dans les Alpes.


  10. Choose the Correct Answer:
    Paris est divisé en vingt ______, numérotés de I à XX


  11. Choose the Correct Translation:
    Tu ne vas pas te coucher tard.

    You can't sit on the couch.
    You aren't going to bed late.
    You aren't go to stay late.

  12. Choose the Correct Translation:
    Anne et sa mère vont faire des achats ensemble à Paris.

    Anne and her mother are going to attend a cat show in Paris.
    Anne and her mother are going to attend auctions in Paris.
    Anne and her mother are going to go shopping in Paris.

  13. Choose the Correct Translation:
    Est-ce qu'il fera beau dimanche?

    Is he going to be presentable on Sunday?
    Will the weather be nice on Sunday?
    Is it going to be a beautiful Sunday?

  14. Choose the Correct Translation:
    Je vais passer un coup de fil.

    I'm going to make a phone call.
    I'm going to follow the lead.
    I'm going to make a killing.

  15. Choose the Correct Translation:
    Une réunion des ministres aurait lieu en ce moment.

    A reunion of ministers will take place in a moment.
    A meeting of ministers is going on at the moment.
    A meeting of government ministers should be taking place at this moment.

  16. Choose the Correct Translation:
    Paul saura bientôt se servir de son ordinateur.

    Paul will soon know how to use his computer.
    Paul will soon have a new server for his computer.
    Paul will soon have to have his computer serviced.

  17. Choose the Correct Translation:
    Tout en étant en principe d'accord, je voudrais exprimer une objection à ce projet.

    In spite of the initial agreement, I want to express an objection to this project.

    While agreeing in principle, I want to express an objection to this project.

    Although everything has been agreed upon, I nonetheless want to express an objection to this project.

  18. Choose the Correct Translation:
    Quels sont tes projets pour l'été?

    Which projects do you have going this summer?
    How did your projects fare?
    What are your plans for the summer?

  19. Choose the Correct Translation:
    Nous n'entendons rien.

    We're not attending anything.
    We understand nothing.
    We don't hear anything.

  20. Choose the Correct Translation:
    Vous dites des bêtises.

    You are flattering me.
    You're talking nonsense.
    You're being outrageous.


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