French Preposition (chez)

Definition: Chez is a great French word, English haven't a equivalent word. It can mean any of the following:
  1. at/to the house of
    chez mon oncle at/to my uncle's house
    chez moi at/to my house, (at) home
  2. at/to the office/store of
    chez le médecin at/to the doctor's office
    chez le boucher at/to the butcher's
  3. among
    (une coutume) chez les Français
    (a custom) among the French
  4. in the work/writings of
    chez Molière
    in Molière's work/writing
  5. for/with
    chez lui, c'est une habitude
    it's a habit with him
    c'est bizarre chez un enfant
    it's strange for a child

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