Police - Supreme NTM

Supreme NTM is a well-known French Hip Hop group that was formed in Seine-Saint-Denis which is a beautiful French Region, in 1989. Their original members are Joey Starr and Kool Shenn. NTM are the initials of “Nique Ta Mère” that means “Fuck your mother”, this group is characterized by its violent lyrics, which are widely criticized by a part of French population. During their career they composed many recorder works, such as Authentik, Suprême NTM, En est encore là - Live 2008 Bercy and Supreme NTM - Best Of 2007.

Hip Hop Music in French


Police! Vos papiers, contrôle d'identité
Formule devenue classique
à laquelle tu dois t'habituer.
Seulement dans les quartiers,
les condés de l'abus de pouvoir ont trop abusé.

Aussi sachez que l'air est chargé d'électricité,
alors pas de respect, pas de pitié escomptée.
Vous aurez des regrets car
Jamais par la répression vous n'obtiendrez la paix,
la paix de l'âme, le respect de l'homme.
Mais cette notion d'humanisme n'existe plus
quand ils passent l'uniforme,
préférant au fond la forme,
peur du hors normes.

Pire encore si dans leur
manuel ta couleur n'est pas conforme,
véritable gang organisé, hiérarchisé.
Protégé sous la tutelle des hautes autorités.
Port d'arme autorisé,
malgré les bavures énoncées.

Comment peut-on prétendre défendre l'état,
quand on est soi-même
en état d'ébriété avancée?
Souvent mentalement retardé.
Le portrait type, le prototype du pauvre type,
voilà pourquoi dans l'excès de zèle, ils excellent.

Police machine matrice d'écervelés mandatés
par la justice sur laquelle je pisse.
Police machine matrice d'écervelés mandatés
par la justice sur laquelle je pisse.

Supreme NTM


This is the police. Identity check.
Your papers typical procedure
that you have to get used to.
However, in the suburbs,
The ones condemned of abuse have abused too much.

Also, you should know that there is friction in the air,
so don't expect respect or pity.
You will have regrets because
you will never find peace by repression,
nor peace in your soul, nor respect from men.
But this notion of humanism no longer exists when
they come in uniforms (policemen)
as they prefer to stick to rules,
afraid of what's out of the norm.

It gets even worse if the color of your skin
is not included in their manual.
They're a real organized hierarchical bunch,
protected by high authorities.
Guns are authorized,
despite the fact that troubles are being recorded down.

How can anyone pretend to defend the state
when one is
in the state of drunkenness?
Often mentally retarded
This is your typical prototype of a poor dude,
which is why, full of enthusiasm (or zeal), they excel.

Police-machine with no brains commissioned
by the law on which I piss.
Police-machine with no brains commissioned
by the law on which I piss.

Supreme NTM

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