Tristesse - Alfred de Musset
Alfred de Musset was born in Paris, 1810, was well descended of an old family long settled in France; he had the literature in the blood. Musset tried his hand at medicine, law, painting and music before responding fully to his poetic vocation.
Such was the precocity of his talent in 1828 he was admitted as a peer to the literary circle of Hugo, Vigny and Saint-Beuve. He has a romantic style to write his compositions; the collection Poesies nouvelles, compressing most of Musset’s later poetry.
Poems in french
TristesseJ'ai perdu ma force et ma vie, Quand j'ai connu la Vérité, Et pourtant elle est éternelle, Dieu parle, il faut qu'on lui réponde. Alfred de Musset |
SorrowI lost my strength and my life, When I knew Truth, Although, she is eternal, God is speaking, we must answer him. Alfred de Musset |