Demonstrative Pronouns

Definition: Demonstrative pronouns (this one, that one, the one[s], these, those) refer to a previously-mentioned noun in a sentence. They must agree with the gender and number of the noun(s).

MASCULINE celui celle
FEMININE ceux celles

Each of the four demonstrative pronouns can refer to something nearby or far away (For example, celui can mean this one or that one).

Demonstrative pronouns must be used of this way:
  1. With an attachment: As with demonstrative adjectives, you can distinguish between this one and that one, these and those with the suffixes -ci (here) and -là (there).
    Quelle fille l'a fait, celle-ci ou celle-là ?
    Which girl did it, this one or that one?

    Je ne sais pas si je veux ceux-ci ou ceux-là.
    I don't know if I want these or those.
  2. In prepositional phrases, usually introduced by de to indicate possession or origin
    Quel film veux-tu voir ? Celui de la France ou celui du Canada ?
    Which film do you want to see? The one from France or (the one from) Canada?

    Je ne peux pas décider entre ces deux robes. Celle de soie est plus jolie mais aussi plus chère que celle de coton.
    I can't decide between these two dresses. The silk one is prettier but also more expensive than the cotton one.
  3. Followed by a relative pronoun + dependent clause
    Celui qui a menti sera puni.
    He who / Whoever lied will be punished.

    Ceux qui sont polis recevront un cadeau.
    Those who are polite will receive a gift.

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